
wild speed

a look at esbuild

some thoughts on my motivation

a look at wifi in mcdonalds


A website that acts like the radio station CrashFM from the Burnout game series. Made in Javascript using mithril for component hierarchy and GSAP for animation. source code


A desktop implementation of the 0x40 Hues project. Chiefly inspired by mon's implementation. Written in C# using the osu!framework. Still not finished as it doesn't implement all the effect types and has no editor.

A weekly newsletter giving a roundup of the top "games" "news" from /r/Games for the week. Inspired by n-gate. Hasn't been updated in ages (I should probably get back on that). source code


A game I made for a friend as part of a friend-group gift exchange. It features their cat as the main collectable! Made in Javascript using the Phaser game engine to play in a browser. Hopefully it all still works. source code


An experiment in software rendering to teach me about graphics basics and C programming. Based on tinyrenderer but adapted and written in C99. Still not finished, but I will get around to it at some point.


📝A wiki website like fanwiki but not cringe (
📝A readonly static HTML/CSS version of the Tube map, viewable on mobile
📝A review of the movie Tommorrowland (2015)
📝A page to interactively view mathematical transform (like the Fourier transform video from 3B1B)
A webpage like but for Burnout music